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Leone @ Inscension

090802 Another Beautiful Day In Paradise

These last few weeks have really turned my focus onto the "amazingness" of life! I am totally in awe of how we go about the actions of planning our day to day lives and that is good - one must have a plan, a goal, something towards which we strive. But even with our best laid plans, God has already set all things in place and orchestrates the most perfect outcome, if only we can totally surrender and accept that as the best option. After all the dreams and desires of our heart are placed there by Him if we are submitted. Very often our experience may be one of "why did this happen?" or "I can't handle this" and other "woe is me" expressions of despair. With just a small shift in our perception and a heart that reaches out in faith, acceptance and trust, those "bad" things can be seen as opportunities for growth.

Looking back on my most amazing life, more and more I see that painful experiences only served to develop within me a strength of character, a resolve to turn that which society often deems as negative into positive, and an appreciation of the "ordinary" moments that make life so beautiful. I often joke with friends about this, saying "how strong does He want me to be??!!" Stronger, I guess!

This weekend in particular I know that holding on to my dream for such a very long time, despite going through periods of impatience or doubt, gives that very dream the momentum to bring it to pass. My Dad was a most wonderful man, I was the apple of his eye, being a "laatlammetjie" daughter after 3 sons and 13 years. The one thing he told me which forever remains in my heart was "Hou moed menskind hou moed, die kwaad verander in goed, en die morelig kom uit die duister" - loosely translated "Be strong, my child, be strong, bad always turns into good and the light of a new day comes out of the darkness". How true are his words and my heavenly Father's Hand on my life has made that a reality for me so many times. For that I am grateful.

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion to clarity. Gratitude creates a vision for tomorrow" Melody Beattie, author

Today, be grateful!!

image source unknown .. credit to the creator ~ if that's you please let me know!

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