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Course Topics
  • Our Journey Through The Signs
  • The Purpose of this Study
  • How to Prepare
  • Hercules the Disciple ~ the Myth
  • Labour 1 Aries ~ Capture of the Man~Eating Mares
  • Labour 2 Taurus ~ Capture of the Cretan Bull
  • Labour 3 Gemini ~ Gathering the Golden Apples of Hesperides
  • Labour 4 Cancer ~ Surrender of the Hind to the Temple of Apollo
  • Labour 5 Leo ~ Slaying of the Nemean Lion
  • Labour 6 Virgo ~ Receiving the Girdle of Hippolyte
  • Labour 7 Libra ~ Capture of the Erymanthian Boar
  • Labour 8 Scorpio ~ Destroying the Lernaean Hydra
  • Labour 9 Sagittarius ~ Dispersing the Stymphalian Birds
  • Labour 10 Capricorn ~ Freeing of Prometheus
  • Labour 11 Aquarius ~ Cleansing the Augean Stables
  • Labour 12 Pisces ~ Delivering the Red Cattle of Geryon to the Golden City
  • Summary of Lessons Learned
  • The World Disciple Today
The Labours of Hercules Course ~ facilitated and taught by Jonathan Eveleigh with Leone van den Heever
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Labours of Hercules

Journey through the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac upon a Path of Spiritual Initiation


Course starting March 2023

Enter the path of Spiritual Initiation through the twelve astrological signs.  Discover your Soul~Purpose by applying the ageless wisdom in acceptance of the real challenges presented in your life and affairs.  Master the ego~personality (the mask and instrument of the soul) in the quest to take your place as a World Server alongside other Servers of humanity.


Tap into the Ancient Wisdom, hidden in stories and metaphors, often only available to the Keepers of the Knowledge, now available to you through these teachings of the Labours of Herakles.  Discover the remarkable lessons given to us through the mythos of the twelve signs, as the Light of Soul~Wisdom (the Sun, symbol of the Soul as Solar Hero) moves through the astrological zodiac.  Unravel the esoteric wisdom hidden in these stories for application in daily life to Co~Create your very best Soul’s experience.


More about the Labours 


Many may be more familiar with the Roman name Hercules.  As the Greek Pantheon predates the Roman by about 1000 years we will often refer to the original name Herakles.  ”In the world today we see a group expression of the Herakles myth. The world servers who make up this "group Herakles” are active in every field of human endeavour ~ the arts and sciences, politics, economics and metaphysics ~ through which the Love and Wisdom of the Higher Self can be expressed. With their intuitive understanding this world group conscious Hercules is leading humanity out of a systemic crisis, beset by glamour and illusion, with a dynamic vision of a better future" and to a consciousness capable of creating a new civilisation.


We will study the twelve archetypal labours, given to the Western  mind from ancient Greece, as a synthetic picture of the tasks before every disciple who truly finds themselves working as conscious incarnate Souls as the Sun (Sol) moves through each sign of the zodiac.


Meeting fortnightly upon a year long journey of applied wisdom, this course will take us through the astrological year guided by our interpretation of the mythos and cosmology of the Labours. Self-mastery of the tests and trials every disciple encounters upon the Path leads to full participation in service to the Divine Plan for humanity. A study of The Labours will be of interest to those entering upon the Path, as well as those seeking to serve humanity as Soul inspired Servers.

Starting in March 2023 with the first sign of the Zodiac, fiery Aries, we will gather for online lessons, review and group meditations, through the Zoom platform,  to anchor the gems given to us.  As we progress through all signs and stories, we know you will find great joy in working with this Cosmic Wisdom.


Students will receive a PDF and audio of the mythos prior to the each lesson as well as the recording of the class dialogues for further review and innerstanding.  The method of self-training is first by listening (right brain), study (left brain), dialogue (group intuition), meditation (Soul impression), application and reflection (embodiment).


Regular online meetings each month offer

  • Meditation to align with the Group Consciousness and Overlighting Spiritual Presence that will guide us 

  • Focus on each Labour, its myth and meaning, holding the Potential from New Moon through to next New Moon

  • Esoteric purpose of the Labour

  • Application of the Wisdom in your daily life

  • Group Dialogue and sharing of impressions & perspectives for our collective expansion

  • Closing meditation 


All Co~Creators are invited to join our New and Full Moon World Service Meditations


In this world 'transition period' between the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius, humanity as a whole is entering upon the Path of initiation.  In the centennial year 2025 the Planetary Hierarchy is said to make a decision regarding externalisation ~ as the 5th Spiritual Kingdom of Conscious Souls is incarnating into the 4th ~ Humanity.  As World Servers we can consciously meditate with humanity, on behalf of the nations, as we work with the causal field of the twelve signs. 


We gain insight into the task and challenges humanity has to face and overcome, month by month.  This can aid us in our own journey, by helping humanity to transform and transmute our personal karma into service karma, and as a collective Soul, achieve initiation and the birthing of Soul consciousness for the Aquarian era. 


For more information download "The Purpose of the Study of the Hercules Myth". 


To enrol please email




To support this service activity we request a once off US$25 enrolment fee and thereafter a guide of a US$60 monthly energy exchange. We would like to offer a US$100 discount for an upfront payment for the full 12 months. If you experience financial difficulty please write to us. 


Thank you for coming forward for this World Service.  We look forward to sharing a wonderful Inner Soul enriching journey with you!  


As important for you to know about us, it is important for us to know more about you, in order to offer you the very best experience of this Ancient Wisdom Teaching.  Please complete this brief questionnaire if you wish to sign up for the Labours



Courses in Applied Wisdom, are facilitated and taught by Jonathan Eveleigh with Leone van den Heever.  

Jonathan is a student of the ageless wisdom for more than 30 years and teacher of the esoteric tradition of Lucille Cedercrans. Schooled in esoteric studies with the Arcane School of Alice Bailey, Creative Imagination with Sundial House, he has served with Seed Groups International and the Academy of Wisdom Europe.


Leone experienced her Spiritual Awakening in 1986 after what is described as a Dark Night of the Soul or Shamanic Death.  Since then she has been bringing her gifts of Quantum Alchemy and Multi~Dimensional Therapy, Cosmic Codes, Beyond Quantum Healing, Shamanic Energy Medicine and Soul Retrieval, Crystal Healing, Intuitive Counselling and Grief Walking.  Leone is a midwife on your Journey to Self.

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