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200112 I AM Reborn, Yet Again

The whole world is abuzz around today's Planetary Conjuction and Australia, where the Elders are performing the sacred Ngaltawaddi Ceremony at Uluru/Kata Tjuta. Yesterday I started my personal ceremonies for this time. I drummed. I Danced all my Codes to Life, especially those that have been given for this moment in time. I performed a Sacred Cacao Ceremony. I sang. I cannot express in words the deep sense of completion and genesis I am feeling this weekend .. I am totally exhausted on all fronts. I feel like a little wet, slippery, cheesy, newborn clothed in vernix caseosa. In one of my very first sessions with Araya, my mentor, she saw me as an old, Aboriginal woman. The Codes I carry in my Sphere I have imprinted in the Earth in that lifetime (and possibly others), as I do Walkabout. This explained so much of my “Wandering Jew” existence since 2008 and why I feel the didgeridoo with such emotion in my bones and blood. Today I feel a little discombobulated, weary, thrilled, grateful, filled with anticipation and also apprehensive as I know not what lies ahead, but I trust Great Spirit, God Source, with every aspect!

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